Happy Friday girlfriends!
I hope you’re holding up okay – I know I haven’t been on my blog much since the quarantine started 7 weeks ago (I’m horrible right?) but I have been on my Instagram everyday trying to share some positivity and fun things! I’ve shared how we have our house organized – pantry, closet, medicine cabinet etc, a fun DIY tie dye tutorial, weekly home workouts, bed making and more! If you’re not following along there (@jenniferxlauren) and need some extra positivity + things to do check out my stories daily + saved highlights!
Today I wanted to share some ideas to spoil your momma’s with next week for Mother’s Day! I have to say Mother’s Day is probably thee most deserving holiday – especially right now with moms taking on more roles like home schooling and extra cleaning + cooking! Mom’s always deserve the world but especially right now! I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite picks for gifts for your mom, grandma, friends or sisters who might be moms! I made sure to be conscious of what the world is like right now with prices and items that can be used at home!
Another great idea that can really help moms + their favorite businesses is to shop gift cards for moms! I heard on the radio the other day after doing a poll the #1 thing moms want this year is gift cards (and this helps businesses so much too) so I’ve rounded up a few great spots to shop a GC for mom below:
Gift Card Ideas for Moms:
Nordstrom (buy $150 – get $25)
Her favorite mani/pedi spot
Her favorite hair salon
I hope these ideas help you girls get some inspiration for your momma’s! If you are a mom and like these ideas – send them to your hubby or kids to give them some help! We all know you need it! Happy early Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there! We love and appreciate you always!
Thanks for stopping by and stay safe and healthy gfs!